1) The calulations in the Nic-Chart are build on use of nicotine-base containing 100 mg nicotine pr millilitre. 1
2) The top row in the Nic-Chart shows amounts in steps of 10, from 10 to 100 millilitres. Theire meanings depends on which Nic-Chart mode you select.
3) The Nic-Chart can be used in two modes: a) Add mode and b) Mix mode.
In Add mode, the top row shows amounts of e-juice before you add any nicotine-base. The chart lists the fractions of 100mg/ml nicotine base you will have to add to the amounts of e-juice listed in the top-row, to obtain the nicotine strengths listed in the lables on the left-hand side of the table. In this mode, naturally, your final products will be somewhat larger than the amounts listed in the top-row.
In Mix mode, the amounts in the top-row refer to the amounts of the final products after nicotine-base have been mixed in. The chart lists the fractions of 100mg/ml nicotine base you will have to blend into the amounts listed in the top-row, to obtain the nicotine strengths listed in the lables on the left-hand side of the table. Thus, you will need to subtract the fractions of nicotine-base from the final product-amounts, to determine the correct fractions of e-juice.
4) You can hover the mouse-pointer over any cell in the chart to engage tool-tips, showing calculations and/or other information.
Using the chart in Add mode
If you want to add nicotine base to bottles of 0% nicotine e-juice, in sizes ranging from 10 to 100 ml, use the Nic-Chart in Add mode. Let's say you have a 40 ml bottle of e-juice which you want to add nicotine-base to, and you want a target nicotine strength of 5 mg/ml: Find the 40 ml collumn-head and the 5 mg Nic-strength row-label. In the cross-section of that collumn and row, you will find how much nicotine-base you will have to add.
Using the chart in Mix mode
If you want to make products in sizes ranging from 10 to 100 ml, use the Nic-Chart in Mix mode.Let's say you have a lot of 0% nicotine e-juice as well as nicotine-base, and want to make bottles containing a total of 40 ml, and you want a target nicotine strength of 5 mg/ml: Find the 40 ml collumn-head and the 5 mg Nic-strength row-label. In the cross-section of that collumn and row, you will find the part of the 40 ml that is the nicotine-base.
In this case, the total of 40 ml minus 2 ml nicotine-base means we will need 38 ml of e-juice. As you can see, the amount of e-juice equals the product amount minus the amount of nicotin-base.
On a system with a mouse, you can hover the mouse-pointer over the cross-section cell and engage a tool-tip showing the calculations:.
The table below shows percentages of nicotin-base and e-juice for the nicotine-strengths listed in the blue collumns. All celculations refer to use of nicotine-base containing 100 mg nicotine pr millilitre.
NOTE! 1 The Nic-Chart is calculated according to use of a 100mg/ml nicotin-base (or "nicotine juice").
This means a soulution of VG (Vegetable Glycerin) or PG (Propylene Glycol) + nicotine. The soulution contains 100 milligrams of nicotine pr millilitre. See the label below, and/or click on it to open large versions.
Such nicotine-base can be bought many places. Vendors can be found by using Google. In the EU, MIXnMATCH eLiquids has been a popular choise.
The company delivers nicotine diluted in VG or in PG:
All calculations relate to use of 0% nicotine e-juice, like the products in the image on the right-hand side.
You can use professionally crafted e-juice obtained from a vape-store with any flavour you prefer. Also, you can produce your own e-juice at home, if you educate yourself about how to do it. There are guides available on YouTube, on DIY ("do-it-yourself") procedures.
BE AWARE! Do not mix in flavours and/or other ingredients, if you don't know if they have been verified as safe to vape!